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Sunday, August 3, 2008


Book Title : ENLISH TEXT BOOK Form5
Author : kjhcihbwwbg
Publisher : wijhfnwycgwgcbg SND BHD

The size of the text book is averagely normal. It has the size of an ordinary text book like most other text books in Malaysia. The book is not too heavy. However, I really think that it would be better is he book is made in a smaller and more compact size. Not only it will reduce the weight and make students easier to carry the book anywhere, it will also make the book to look cuter and it will surely be more interesting.
The book uses an easy to read font that enable the student to read well without having to figure out what are they looking at. They can simply recognize the text that they are reading. The style is also appropriate and it really suit for a form five students.
The students need not to worry about the durability of the book. The book is well binded to ensure that it can last long. As for the cover, the cover is not hard but still able to prevent the book from being out of good condition. No matter how tough the book is, students are advised to wrap their book to ensure that he book will always be in a good condition.
The book has a wonderful layout. The publisher managed to arrange the content I this book very beautifully. The page layout is uncluttered and balanced which makes the students easy to find what they want from the book.
The book is fun and great. It is easy and is not hard for students to understand. However, still there are plenty of rooms for improvement.


Book Title : ENGLISH TEXT BOOK Form5
Author : nvebhrbcrehg
Publisher : rjhfchrhjrhcre SND BHD

The content of the text book is really interesting. It can be said as a very user friendly English text book for a form five student. The content of the book surely is suitable and it does meet the local and national standards. The text book is also accurate and up to date. It contains 15 chapters all over which touches various aspect in today’s complicated world. The examples of the topics are people, environment, science and technology and many other interesting topics. The topics in the text book is also well supported and related to other subjects’ text book as much of the topics touches on the book is related to science. Some of the topics also related to history. These clearly mean that students can always refer to other books if they want to know more about any topics.
The book was made for the form five students. The language used in the book is surely appropriate enough for a seventeen years old student. It is easy to understand and it is also very interesting. It has no problems with the grammar used in it. The content is very clear and easy. The reading part of the book is suitable for a form five student as it is not too long and hard. Students will be easily able to understand the text without any problems.
By using this book, student will be able to know their level of understanding as the book also provides end-of-lesson questions and quizzes for each and every topics. The topic in the book also made the students to experience other subject areas.
However, by just following the text book all way around, it will block the students from engaging in active learning. Some students may but only if the students are given opportunities by teacher. If the teacher uses the book very effectively, students should be able to master and enhance all the four major skills of English which are speaking, reading, listening and writing. Many other extra ‘ingredients’ needs to be add up by the teacher to attract the student interest to learn the subject.
From my opinion, the contents of the book have failed to encourage students high level thinking ability as all were already given up to the students. They need not to think much anymore.
Nevertheless, another good thing of this book is the content will be always relevant and can be use at any time. I am totally agree that the book can still be use several years more from the date it was first published.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008



1) Does the textbook provide a separate
teacher’s edition or resource package?
2) Is the teacher’s edition helpful,
comprehensive, organized and easy to
3) Are the resource materials organized
and easy to use?
4) Is the teacher’s edition reasonably
5) Does the teacher’s edition include the
student edition?
6) Are objectives clearly stated?
7) Does the teacher’s edition provide a
variety of suggestions for adapting
lessons to meet individual needs? Does
it provide any specific resources for this
(handouts, aids, charts)?
8) Does the teacher’s
edition provide
assessment ideas or
tools? Are they
9) Are answers to
exercises, tests, etc.
provided? Are they listed on the imprint
of the student’s edition or are the
located elsewhere?
10) Does the teacher’s edition or resource
package include any technology such
as a CD or video? If so, are they useful
and able to run on your equipment?


1) Does the content meet local and
national standards?
2) Is the content accurate and up-todate?
3) Will the content be supported by
other textbooks that students have
or will use?
4) Is the language appropriate for the
intended age group? Is it clear? Is it
grammatically correct?
5) Does the textbook contain ageappropriate
reading level?
6) Does it contain end-of-lesson
questions or quizzes?
7) Are lessons linked to other subject
8) Will the activities engage students
in active learning? Are they
appealing to a wide range of
abilities and interests?
9) Do the lessons encourage higherlevel
10) Could this textbook be used for
several years?


1) Are the size and weight of the
textbook appropriate for students
who will use it?
2) Are the font and style ageappropriate?
3) Are the binding, pages, and cover
4) Will the textbook appeal to the
5) Is the page layout uncluttered and
6) Do illustrations, tables, figures,
graphs, charts, etc. provide
appropriate representations of age,
ethnicity, sex, socioeconomic level,
and physical/mental ability?
7) Are the illustrations, tables, figures,
graphs, charts, etc. relevant and


1) Does it provide a useful table of
contents, glossary, and index?
2) Does the table of contents show a
logical arrangement and
development of subject?
3) Is the textbook uniform in
appearance and content layout
throughout the book as well as
within each chapter?
4) Does it contain references,
bibliographies, and other resources?
Are they helpful and sufficient?
5) Do the chapters provide
introductions and summaries that
are clear and comprehensive?
6) Are all the pages numbered? If not,
is this confusing?
This brochure provides you with some
points to think about when evaluating
textbooks. The questions to ponder are
broken into 4 different areas including
content, organization, physical aspects
and teachers editions. Under each
category, there are questions to think
about to make sure you are selecting
appropriate textbooks. This is only a
selection of criteria and
does not cover every
aspect that needs to be

Monday, July 28, 2008


igv t uyhjkjhhihdsh hgg whoghwhguhgwhgohwugh hwghjhgwuhgihw'H'hg hg hhgowhpjphj jehk.........